Hair vitamins and hair loss

I’ve  heard that a womans hair changes every 7 years. It can become thicker, thinner, more brittle, curlier, less curly, etc. For me, that is definitely true. When I was a little girl, I had really straight, straight hair, then in middle school when puberty hit my hair became really wavy, dense and uncontrollably frizzy. Since high school, my hair has traded off being wavy-dry and brittle- healthy, thicker and now- longer, slightly thinner and less dense. 

Our texture can change for many reasons, but most of all it can be blamed plain and simply on stress and hormones. But if you have had a baby, a surgery, an illness, a weight gain/loss, started a new medication/ stopped a medication, suffered trauma, change of diet or any major change in atmosphere, you can expect that your hair might have a slight fit over it. 

What I can suggest is always do preventative measures for hair loss. Eat a healthy, high protein diet to ensure we are getting all the vitamins necessary for healthy hair. Salmon is your hairs best friend- eat lots of it!! Take an additional vitamin daily, like biotin, for hair, skin and nails. Collagen vitamins or protein powders are also amazing! In my experience Viviscal, a supplement specifically for the hair on your head, has worked wonders! My skin had some breakouts the first few weeks I started taking it but after that my body got used to it and I stopped having a reaction. I noticed a huge difference in my hair density and length because of these vitamins! I highly recommend them. I first discovered them when a client of my (with already a ton of hair) came in and she had SO MUCH more, heavy hair!! I asked her what she was doing and she told me she had been on Viviscal for a few months. 

You may also have an iron deficiency!   Having low iron can trigger hair loss and taking an iron supplement may be what you need. I used a tincture from Whole Foods and its not taste the best but was bare-able. Like everything else in life- consultancy is how you are going to see results. You will not start to notice an results until about month 3, so just hang in there! 

I believe hair-loss is all internal, however there are a few topical treatments and shampoo’s you can also use to help density the hair you do have. Nioxin seems to be a choice for a few of my clients, however Nioxin does not help with new growth. It simply helps keep the hair you do already have and maintains a clear and healthy scalp so it’s a good environment for new hair to grow in. 

In November of last year I suffered with the sudden loss of my mother. The shock and stress to my body caused me to lose hair around 5-8 months after. My ponytail has become so thin but I am hopeful and do see new hair growing in. I just have to wait for those hairs to get longer before I’ll feel more density again. I am currently switching off between a thinning hair shampoo made by ColorProof and my regular shampoo for strength. I have also just finished Viviscals thinning hair shampoo and it made my hair felt okay after that too. 


Wishing everyone a happy hair day and that they meet their #hairgoals